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DUGi: Llistar Títols | Lizarralde, I. | 0 - 2

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out url icon Recercat Quantitative assessment of energy and resource recovery in wastewater treatment plants based on plant-wide simulations Fernández-Arévalo, T. ; Lizarralde, I. ; Fdz-Polanco, F. ; Pérez-Elvira, S. I. ; Garrido, J. M. ; Puig Broch, Sebastià ; Poch, Manuel ; Grau, P. ; Ayesa, E.
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 juliol 2017 Quantitative assessment of energy and resource recovery in wastewater treatment plants based on plant-wide simulations Fernández Arévalo, Tamara ; Lizarralde, I. ; Fernández-Polanco Fernández de Moreda, Fernando ; Pérez-Elvira, Sara Isabel ; Garrido, J. M. ; Puig Broch, Sebastià ; Poch, Manuel ; Grau, P. ; Ayesa Iturrate, Eduardo


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